The Tim Ferriss Show
Episode 498: The Cave Process, Advice from Future Selves, and Training for an Uncertain Future
Episode 412: Beginner’s Mind, Self-Actualization, Advice from Your Future Self
Episode 375: How to Cram 2 Months of Learning into 1 Day
Episode 204: Josh Waitzkin Distilled
Episode 148: Josh Waitzkin Returns
Episode 2: Josh Waitzkin
Fireside Chats with Chris Begg
Josh discusses the evolution of his training at Columbia University in the Fall of 2019.
Fall 2018
Josh and Chris converse about Dynamic Quality, pursuing new arts, and his evolution as a coach.
Josh Waitzkin With Adam Robinson
Speaking at JW3 Cultural Centre in London on October 10, 2017, eight-time US National Chess Champion Josh Waitzkin told the audience that he actively seeks discomfort and pain because they allow him to steepen his growth curve.
The Progression Project
Josh Waitzkin
on the Art
of Learning
Josh discusses paddle surfing as well as the frameworks for skill acquisition that he’s using in this new art.
Authors @ Google
Josh discusses “The Art of Learning An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance.” at Google’s Mountain View, Ca. headquarters on April 10, 2008.
Josh Waitzkin, The Art of Learning
Josh discusses chess, martial arts, and ideas from his book, “The Art of Learning An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance.”